Gelly Roll Metallic penna har skimrande, reflekterande bläck. Bläcket syns på vitt, svart och glan-sigt papper. En fantastisk gelpenna tack vare bläck med vattenbaserat pigment. 0,5 mm spets.

Sakura Gelly Roll was the world’s first gel ink pen invented in the 1980s. Sakura has continuously refine and improve the ink formula. Gelly Roll Metallic pens feature shimmering, reflective ink that is also archival, waterproof, fade resistant, feather resistant, bleed resistant, and resistant to chemicals used to commit check fraud. They show up well on both light and dark papers, as well as matte and glossy surfaces. Use them to create beautiful artwork, decorate your journal or planner, or give your letters a distinctive flair.
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